2019 - 2021
My main responsibility was to design a webpage for Customer service (B2C) which explained the new invoice for customers in a easy and understandable way. In this project I took a UX-lead role since I supervised an UX-intern, and worked together on this project. Therefore I were responsible for planning, prioritizing and making sure that the necessary steps were executed.
Used skills and methods
User tests
Service blueprint
Customer journey
Design system
In this project I applied the method Design Thinking. The Empathy phase started with benchmarking, competitor analysis, creating a user journey for the existing service and going through customer feedback in Usabilla (and heatmaps Hotjar for the existing service.
In the define phase the goal was to understand and find improvement opportunities. I did so by performing interviews with both customers and customer communicators. The insights from the interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis.
The ideation phase started off by creating a service blueprint of the future service. It was very important for us to have a vision and an expected outcome of the service even before thinking of any detailed functionality and visuals. With the service blueprint close to hand sketches by hand were made and lo-fi wireframing in Figma performed. The wireframes were presented to and tested by the team, stakeholders and users. One of the concepts excelled and was therefore selected to work further with and iterate.
The chosen concept was further developed in the prototype phase. Components from Vattenfall’s design system were applied to the wireframes to create a hi-fi prototype. The hi-fi prototype was created in Sketch and was made clickable in InVision.
In the test phase we performed tests with users and super-users. Over all, the test result that came out was quite good, but with some small iterations of colors and placement of some elements
Lastly, in the implementation phase we had a bigger hand over to dev-team, even though we have had continuous reconciliations throughout the project. When the new service was launched heatmaps in Hotjar and feedback functionality through Usabilla were set up to be able to follow up and continue to iterate the service even when it was live.
2021 Kajsa Ahlbeck