Hello and welcome, I'm Kajsa Ahlbeck

Product Designer based in Stockholm

Based in Stockholm and currently working as a Product designer and acting UX Lead at Telia. I love problem solving and to create memorable experiences. My biggest motivator is to help people to have an easier and funnier everyday life.

Selected projects

An interpreter booking service


A digital explanation for electricity invoices

Vattenfall AB

A digital knowledge base for national care

Sveriges kommuner och regioner

Four websites for handicraft organisations

Hantverkarnas riksorganisation

Get to know me

To me, good team spirit, openess and to work user-centered are key components to create a great experience.

Ever since I graduated from Linköping University 2018 I've been working as a UX/UI designer. I've both worked as a consultant and as an employee.

On my spare time I like to listen to podcasts, read books, go for a run or visiting more or less fancy restaurants. If you like dogs, we will probably become best friends 🐶

Let's keep in touch